A message from our CEO, Gareth Sorsby:
Under recent government guidelines we are doing all we can to assist in the reduction of Covid-19 virus spread, by reducing our physical community interaction spaces and replacing these with virtual social spaces for our young people to continue to connect with us and each other. This means our Youth clubs will be delivered online or using mobile technology for the next few weeks.
We have postponed all other social and community groups for the time being with the exception of Foodbank, as it is such an essential service. We realise the impact this move will have on many peoples’ social connections so we will be working to create an online space and weekly times for phone conversations with staff and volunteers so that we don’t lose that hugely important community spirit and connection.
During this time, we encourage you to also limit face to face meetings and instead consider how you can connect with friends, family, professionals and your community in more digital ways more frequently and how you can safely support those less able and more vulnerable around you.
Keep in touch with us during this time by messaging us through Facebook using @YMCASoMo or email us on office@ymcasouthmolton.org.uk.