Community Fridge and Cafe

When? Mondays – Fridays

Open 9:30 – 12:30. Mondays – Wednesdays, 3:30 – 5 on Thursday, and 8am-10am on Friday.

With a scrapstore drop in on Tuesday, and scrapstore arts and craft sessions on the 2nd /4th Friday.

Bumble Buddies Toddler Group

When? Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 – 12

Come bring your little ones to our regular toddler group.

Circuit Training

When? Thursdays between 6-7pm.

Free circuit training sessions for 10-16 year olds.

Monthly Friendship Lunch

With the help of volunteers, we cook a meal on the first Sunday of every month for the older members of our community.

Our meals are family friendly and open to anyone in the community.

SEN Peer Support group

This group was set up after several parents asked for support. The group is very well attended and has met a need within our community.

The parents represent different schools, and also include home school parents.

‘Let’s Talk Together’

Let’s Talk Together is a peer support group led by a local resident, who has lived
experience of Mental Health difficulties and has a wealth of experience and professional

OneWay Church

One Way Church meets every Sunday and are here to share the love of Jesus and make an impact in our community

When? Sundays 10am-12:30pm

For more details email: